Culture Survey
NOTE: This survey was conducted on 3/14/00 and 3/15 of the entire BCHS freshman class; doing the survey in that manner afforded: accessibility, guaranteed returns, and a sample survey group that characterized the community since BCHS is one of two public high schools in Bristol. On the four grade 9 teams, there are 316 students (as of 3/17); 285 completed surveys were returned which is a 90% return rate. The number that FOLLOWS the colon (:) after each selection is the number of respondents who chose that selection.
DIRECTIONS: This survey has been prepared by students on the Discovery team as part of our Millennium Bristol project. We ask that you answer the questions as honestly as possible so that our data is reliable. The entire Central freshman class is being surveyed which should result in some interesting information which we will share.
1. In regard to your nationality, what is your main (largest percentage) cultural/ethnic background?Italian: 54 French: 51 Irish: 29 Polish: 13 American: 13 German: 11 English: 10 French Canadian*: 7 Puerto Rican**: 5 Swedish: 5 Spanish: 4 African American: 4 Hispanic**: 4 Canadian*: 3 Albanian: 3 ETC: 25 (representing 17 ethnic groups) No Response: 44
2. Who was your last relative to come to America from this country (see #1):
Maternal grandparents: 59 |
Paternal grandparents: 45 |
Mother: 11 |
Father: 11 |
You: 11 |
None of the above: 137 |
3. How well do you know this language?
(see #1; SCALE 1 through 5: 1=unable to speak; 5=able to speak fluently)* 1:
126 * 2: 50 * 3: 23 * 4: 8 * 5: 65 (Note: adjustment may be needed to reflect English speaking ethnic backgrounds)4. Does anyone in your home regularly speak a language other than English?
* YES: 68 * NO: 206
5. Do you know how to make/prepare one of your traditional ethnic foods (see #1)? * YES: 151 * NO: 93 6. Does your mother/father frequently prepare one of your traditional ethnic foods? (see #1) * YES: 126 * NO: 118 7. What is your favorite ethnic food?
American: 32 | |
Mexican: 21 |
Spanish: 12 |
Italian: 116 |
French: 11 |
Polish: 5 |
Chinese: 35 |
Other: Japanese: 3 Soul Food: 2 Assyrian: 1 Portugese: 1 Irish: 1 Cuban: 1 German: 1 Vietnamese: 1 |
8. What religion do you practice?
Christian (e.g., Catholic, Protestant): 244 |
Judaism: 3 |
Islamic: 1 |
Other: 9 |
No religion: 27 |
9. How often do you visit your place of worship?
More than once a week: 18 | |
Weekly: 93 | |
Monthly: 32 | |
Every couple of months: 29 | |
Holidays: 33 | |
Once a year: 15 | |
Less than once a year: 56 |
10. Who/What influences you most when buying clothes?
Friends: 70 | |
TV commercials: 5 | |
Magazine ads: 4 | |
Parents (yours): 7 | |
Personal decision (based solely on your personality): 210 |
11. Who/What influences you most when buying music?
Friends: 20 | |
MTV, VH1, BET (music stations): 65 | |
Radio: 39 | |
Personal decision (no outside influence): 144 |
12.Which media ads/commercials influence you the most to buy a certain product?
* TV: 200 * Radio: 12 * Magazine: 60 * Newspaper: 3
13. What kind of music do you listen to most often?
* Rap: 84 * Hip Hop: 13 * R&B: 41 * Pop: 34 * Other: 87
14. Where do you shop for CDs?*Strawberries: 208 *Sam Goody: 13 *Target: 1 *Borders: 2 *Other: 24
15. How often do you buy CDs?* Once a week: 24 * Once a month: 51
* Once every two months: 21 * No schedule: 179 * Never: 4
16. What is your favorite sport to play at Central?* Soccer: 24 * Basketball: 32 * Baseball: 27 * Football: 37 *Tennis: 11 *Golf: 8 * Swimming: 16 *Track: 9 * Wrestling: 9 * Volleyball: 14 *Cheerleading: 6 * Softball (inadvertently left out) * None: 85
17. What is your favorite recreational sport?* Skiing (snow): 30 * Snow Boarding: 36 * Skiing (water): 12 * Tennis: 11 *Swimming: 68 * Bicycling: 34 * Fishing: 16 * Golf: 15 * Other: 5 * None: 19
18. How many athletic events/games (total) have you attended at Central this year?* 10
: 7 * 9: 6 * 8: 6 * 7: 9 * 6: 10 * 5: 14 * 4: 8 * 3: 18 * 2: 8 * 1: 20 *None: 70 *More than 10: 9619. Do you watch sports on TV?
YES (frequently): 100 OCCASIONALLY (regular basis): 78 NO: 35
SELDOM (irregular basis): 6720. If you watch sports on TV, what sport do you watch the most? (Circle ONLY ONE selection)
*NFL: 66 * NHL: 18 * NBA: 38 * BASEBALL (major league): 41 *GOLF: 4 *COLLEGE BASKETBALL: 29 * AUTO RACING: 13 *BOXING: 2 * WRESTLING: 15 * COLLEGE FOOTBALL: 8 * TENNIS: 13 *SOCCER: 7
21. How many movies do you see in one year?
* 12:
184 * 11: 3 * 10: 20 * 9: 9 * 8: 11 * 7: 8 * 6: 17 * 5: 13 * 4: 8 * 3: 6 * 2: 3 * 1: 1 * NONE: 1 22. How many books do you read on your own in one year?* 12:
25 * 11: 4 * 10: 4 * 9: 6 * 8: 6 * 7: 7 * 6: 10 * 5: 24 * 4: 17 * 3: 36 * 2: 33 * 1: 46 * NONE: 75